"Still in Play: The paintings of Torben Ulrich"
A retrospective of T.U.'s paintings, from their beginnings in 1971 to more recent rice-paper versions and digital variations and expansions.
With essays by T.U., Lars Movin and Jens Tang Kristensen.
In English and Danish. Edited by Lars Movin.
Published by Spring (Copenhagen), 2024.
"Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje" (“Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics”)
Forsøg i retning af en udelt (ikke-dualistisk, u-to) tilgang til boldspil og det idrætslige felt, forstået såvel konkret som symbolsk som udtryk for vores leven (og døen), stadig udeleligt.
A non-dualistic approach to ballplaying and athletics, as symbologies of living (and dying).
In English and Danish. (One is not a translation of the other.)
Foreword (in Danish) by Lars Movin.
Published by Forlaget Spring (Copenhagen), October 4, 2018.
Original cover painting by T.U.
"Et vækkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel - tekster om jazz, 1945-2005" ("An Alarm Clock in Cecil Taylor's Grand Piano: Writings on jazz, 1945-2005")
An anthology of T.U.'s writings (in Danish) about music.
Edited and foreword by Lars Movin.
Published by Asger Schnacks Forlag (Copenhagen), Sept. 21, 2018.
Cover photograph by Tove Kurtzweil.
"Stilhedens Cymbaler" ("Cymbals of Silence, Notes of Un-Knowing")
A collection of Lines and Off-lines (all in English) by T.U., connected with his performances with Instead Of.
Foreword (in Danish and English) by Lars Movin.
Published by Forlaget Bebop (Copenhagen), October 19, 2007.
Original cover painting by Per Kirkeby.
"Terninger, tonefald: 12 Lines, 36 Off-lines"
A collection of 12 Lines and 36 Off-lines (all in English) by T.U.
Introduction (in Danish and English) by Lars Movin.
72 pages. Published by Forlaget Bebop (Copenhagen), Nov. 8, 2005.
Original cover painting by Per Kirkeby.
"Udspil – samtaler med Torben Ulrich"
A book by Lars Movin of conversations with T.U. about events and activities
in T.U.'s life and how they relate to their cultural settings.
584 pages. Published 2004 by Lindhardt and Ringhof (Copenhagen).
In Danish, with a few of T.U.'s Lines in English. |
"Jazz, bold & buddhisme"
An anthology of T.U. writings from the 1940s to the 2000s, edited by Lars Movin.
504 pages, published May 2003 by Informations Forlag (Copenhagen).
In Danish, with a few of T.U.'s Lines in English. |