(fra forlaget)
"Jazz, bold & buddhisme" rummer et rigt udvalg af den danske multi- og livskunstner, tennisspiller og jazzskribent, Torben Ulrichs mange essays, reporter og klummer om dansk og international jazz, sport og bevægelse, samt emner som Amerika, Sydafrika og zen-buddhisme, som i årene 1945-2002 har været brugt i forskellige danske dagblade og tidsskrifter. Udover Torben Ulrichs tekster indeholder bogen et nyskrevet interview med ham: ´Uldhatten, jazzkatten, boldspilleren, buddhisten´ samt en række ´vidneudsagn´ om hans liv og karriere over de mange årtier – af bl.a. Jørgen Leth, Boris Rabinowitch, Claus Bøje, Kurt Nielsen og Jørgen Gustava Brandt.
"Comeback, comeback, comeback" (sample chapter, in danish.)
Redigeret af Lars Movin. 504 sider, 17 x 23 cm. Ill: 12 tegninger af Klaus Albrectsen; 26 fotos. [Udgivet 2003] |
(from the publisher)
"Jazz, Ball & Buddhism" is an anthology of the Danish multi-artist,
tennis player, and jazz critic Torben Ulrich's many articles, columns,
and essays on jazz, sports, traveling, Buddhism, etc., written from the
mid-1940s to the 2000s, and all printed in various Danish media, newspapers, magazines, anthologies. Along with the collection of texts,
the book contains a foreword, a chronology and a recent interview with Torben Ulrich, all by the editor, Danish writer Lars Movin. And furthermore each section of the book is introduced by statements by some of the many friends and "eyewitnesses" to Torben Ulrich's many activities over the years, putting his writings into perspective. The "eyewitnesses" are:
Bente Arendrup (lifelong friend), Kurt Nielsen (tennis doubles partner), Boris Rabinowitsch (jazz critic), Jørgen Gustava Brandt (poet), Klaus Albrectsen (illustrator, writer, musician), Ib Skovgaard (jazz journalist), Jørgen Leth (filmmaker, poet), and Claus Bøje (ice-hockey player, musician, etc.).
In Danish. Edited by Lars Movin. 504 pages, 17 x 23 cm, 12 illustrations
by Klaus Albrectsen; 26 photos. Published May 2003. |
Reviews (in Danish):
- Berlingske Tidende, May 7, 2003
- Politiken, May 8, 2003
- Video clip
from Danish TV about T.U., the book, and his activities around the time of its release.
(plays well with realplayer.)
- Nyt fra Danmark, Vol. 3, 2003
- "Uldhatten, jazzkatten, boldspilleren, buddhisten"
(Interview by Lars Movin, May 15, 2003)
- Standart, December 2003
Where to find this book: