(fra forlaget)
Gennem en række intense samtaler tegner Lars Movin et biografisk portræt af Torben Ulrich: tennisspiller, skribent, jazzmusiker, kunstner, filmmager, filosof og buddhist. Med sit uortodokse syn på idrætten, kunsten, og tilværelsen i det hele taget, har Torben Ulrich (født 1928) gennem en menneskealder været en inspirationskilde for sine omgivelser. Mest kendt er han i Danmark som en af vores mest markante tennisbegavelser over fire årtier, fra 40'rne til 70'erne – og som en af vores mest usædvanlige idrætsfolk nogensinde. Men hans viltre begavelse og insisterende nysgerrighed har ført ham vidt omkring; ikke blot i verden, men også i musikkens, litteraturens, billedkunstens – og bevidsthedens afkroge. De over 70 timers samtaler er en guide til disse områder og til mennesket Torben Ulrich.
"Udsigt over Puget Sound" (sample chapter, in danish.)
Af Lars Movin. 584 sider. 349 kroner. ISBN 87-595-2188-0. Udgivet November 2004 af Lindhardt & Ringhof.
"Into Play – conversations with Torben Ulrich"
(from the publisher)
Through a series of intense conversations, author Lars Movin draws
a biographical portrait of Torben Ulrich: tennis player, writer, jazz musician, artist, filmmaker, philosopher, Buddhist. With his unorthodox view on athletics, art, and life in general, Torben Ulrich (born 1928) has been an inspiration for his surroundings for a lifetime. In Denmark he has been widely known as one of the most remarkable tennis talents for at least four decades, from the 1940s to the '70s – and as one of the nation's most unusual sports personalities ever. But his multi-faceted intellect and insistent curiosity has led him further than that; not only in the world, but also in music, literature, art – and the mind. The more than 70 hours of conversations that form the basis for this book are boiled down to a guide to some of these areas, and to the person Torben Ulrich.
By Lars Movin. In Danish. 584 pages. 349 Danish kroner. ISBN 87-595-2188-0. Published November 2004 by Lindhardt & Ringhof.
Reviews (in Danish):
Where to find this book:
- Saxo. (in danish)
- E-book: