Other dance- and movement-related projects involving T.U.:
"Play: Torben Ulrich"
In progress: A film about T.U. by the Danish filmmaker Andreas Johnsen of Rosforth Films. (See the teaser, which includes several movement examples.)
"Leaping, Looping: Before The Call"
Example/performer, co-director (2018). A continuation of Before The Wall: Body & Being, or perhaps a repetition, remaining within the same field but approached improvisationally, less formally, and accentuating the vertical or more internal perception of ball and motion/feeling.
Directed by T.U. and Rick New, 2018.
"Before The Wall: Body & Being"
Example/performer, co-director (2002). An excursion into the fields of awareness, breath and gravity, seen as a sequel to Gil de Kermadec's "The Ball and The Wall"< as well as building on Jørgen Leth's "Motion Picture". In "Before The Wall," the ball itself is mainly removed, being more image or inspiration, with the focus resting on the body and its intimate movement and balancing.
Directed by T.U., Rick New and Molly Martin, 2002.
"The Ball and The Wall"
Example/performer, co-director. For many ballplayers, across the various fields, having a wall as a practice partner was a training tool almost taken for granted. Over the years, however (with the advent of ball machines, etc.), the wall as a place of practice seemed to go out of fashion, if not become almost obsolete. Gil de Kermadec of the French Tennis Federation, director of an exemplary series of films on tennis (McEnroe, Borg, Evert, Connors), sets out with T.U. in a two-fold approach, asking many past champions (Lacoste, Laver, Navratilova, Rosewall, Nastase) about their experiences with the wall, as well as looking into a variety of techniques that could extend the possibilities for practice and play.
Directed by Gil de Kermadec and T.U., 1988. 45 minutes.
"Øjeblikkets perler" / "Pearls of the Moment"
En personlig film om fordybelse i kropstræning, leg og alsidighed. Eske Holm gør op med moderigtige forestillinger om kropstræning og -dyrkelse. Metoder og discipliner i alsidighed anvises af Eske Holm selv, som danser, mediterer, spiller tennis, træner med spanske støvler og sværd. Bl.a. medvirker tennisspilleren Torben Ulrich.
(Google translation:) A personal film about immersion in body training, play and versatility. Eske Holm comes up with fashionable notions of body training and worship. Methods and disciplines in versatility are taught by Eske Holm himself, who dances, meditates, plays tennis, trains with Spanish boots and swords. Among other contributors, tennis player Torben Ulrich.
Directed by Lennart Pasborg, 1987, 36 minutes, in Danish. |
"Det Legende Menneske" / "Moments of Play"
(From IMDB:) "A visually rich travelogue from Bali, Brazil, England, Haiti, Spain and the U.S.A., with a couple of scenes from China originally shot for Notater fra Kina, and a number of scenes with Leth's children in Denmark. Under thematic intermediate titles such as "Exploring, investigating reality" and "Being in another world, dreaming", the nine sections of the film present themselves as a series of loosely linked scenes or observations, with the clear point that play is a cross-cultural phenomenon and a human condition, not something naive or childish that we grow out of." (Includes moments of T.U. making paintings in a backyard in Berkeley.)
Directed by Jørgen Leth, 1986, 82 minutes, Danish and English versions. |
"Motion Picture"
An experimental film featuring T.U. as a study of the nature of the medium and more specifically of the phenomena of framing, movement, and synchronicity of sound and picture. (Summary on IMDB.)
Directed by Jørgen Leth & Ole John, filmed in Denmark and France, 1969, 20 minutes, in English.
Two parts of "Motion Picture" are on YouTube: Part 1 is 15 minutes, 12 seconds, and Part 2 is 8:55.
Mikkel Frantzen writes about T.U. and Motion Picture in the essay, Torben Ulrichs kropskrystal: Om tid, bevægelse og krop i Jørgen Leths Motion Picture" in the journal Krystalbilleder (No. 1, summer 2012). (Google translation, "Torben Ulrich's Body Crystal: About time, movement and body in Jørgen Leth's Motion Picture".)