
(click to see larger front and back covers) |
"Still in Play: The paintings of Torben Ulrich"
From the publisher:
Still in Play is the very first survey of the unique visual work by the Danish-born, U.S.-based multidisciplinary artist and ballplaying legend Torben Ulrich (1928- 2023), presenting more than 120 images of his rice-paper paintings and prints. Altogether a marvelous body of work, the result of a distinctive artistic practice rooted in the physical experiences on various athletic courts from the late 1940s and onwards, and shaped by a lifelong interest in philosophy, poetry, music and spiritual matters. Along with three new essays, including one by Torben Ulrich.
Body and being, movement and traces. Traces left by ball, play, game — and by life itself. A thoroughly playful and vibrant artistic oeuvre, which illustrates that Ulrich's thoughts and processes are, indeed, still in play.
Graphics: Spring
Cover images: Spaceplay, Skywritings prints by T.U. and M.M.
Edited by: Lars Movin With essays by Torben Ulrich, Jens Tang Kristensen and Lars Movin.
In English and Danish.
296 pages; large format (11 x 13 in / 28 x 33 cm)
US $85 (est.) / DKK 585 (international shipping: US $14 (est.) / (DKK 99) )
Published May 10, 2024 by Spring Publishing.
Fra forlaget:
Still in Play præsenterer for første gang en samling af den unikke billedkunst skabt af den multidisciplinære kunstner og boldspillende legende Torben Ulrich (1928-2023) og rummer mere end 120 gengivelser af hans rispapirmalerier og tryk. Alt i alt et enestående værk, resultatet af en egenartet billedkunstnerisk praksis, rodfæstet i fysiske erfaringer fra diverse idrætssammenhænge fra 1940'erne og frem og formet af en livslang optagethed af filosofi, poesi, musik og åndelig søgen. Ledsaget af tre nye essays inklusive et af Torben Ulrich.
Krop og væren, bevægelse og spor. Spor efter bold, leg, spil — og efter livet selv. Et på alle måder lystfyldt og vibrerende kunstnerisk oeuvre, der samlet betragtet demonstrerer, at Ulrichs tanker og processer stadig er i bevægelse. De er, still in play.
Redigeret af Lars Movin. Med essays af Torben Ulrich, Jens Tang Kristensen og Lars Movin.
- Sept. 5, 2024, 4 p.m.: Molly Martin and T&M's dear friend Peter Coyote talk about "Still in Play" at Book Passage in Corte Madera, Calif.
Articles, reviews, etc.:
- "Torben Ulrich er død, men ikke tavs" ("Torben Ulrich is dead, but not silent"), by Lea Wind-Friis, Politiken, April 26, 2024 (about the book-release gathering). Danish text only. Rough Google translation to English.
- Kommentar: "Torben Ulrichs nye bog giver enestående indsigt i idrætten som livsforståelse" ("Commentary: Torben Ulrich's new book provides unique insight into sport as an understanding of life"), by Claus Bøje, Idrætsmonitor, May 14, 2024. Danish text version. Rough Google translation to English.
- "Øjeblikkets filosof" ("The philosophy of the moment", by Torben Rølmer Bille, Kulturkapellet, July 3, 2024. Danish text only. Rough Google translation to English.
- "Brændende sole og flyvende bolde" ("Burning suns and flying balls") (subscription needed) by Theis Ørntoft, Weekendavisen, July 14, 2024. Danish text version. Rough Google translation to English.
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