Some essays by T.U.:
- "Circling The Uncatchable", T.U.'s essay in Still in Play: The paintings of Torben Ulrich" (Spring, 2024).
- "All The Things You Are: Katte, Hunde, Underhunde," a contribution to "Fokus På Freud,"
a book released on Sigmund Freud's 150th birthday, edited by Ole Andkjær Olsen,
Christian Braad Thomsen and Bente Petersen (Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2006). (in danish.)
- "Hvis," a contribution to "Idrættens Enhed Eller Mangfoldighed", a book ("festskrift")
in honor of Claus Bøje, edited by Henning Eichberg and Bo Vestergård Madsen (Klim, 2002). (in danish.)
- Compendium, a commentary to the film "Before the Wall: Body & Being".
- "Sadlende År, Etc.," a foreword to "En dag forsvandt Duke Jordan i Harlem – tekster om jazz" by Jørgen Leth (an anthology of J.L.'s writings about jazz), edited by Lars Movin (Bebop, 2008). (in danish.)