- Apprenticeship at Reuters (News Agency) in Copenhagen.
- Articles in local jazz magazines (Tribune, then JazzInformation, also editorial assistant).
- Six months of columns for the Danish daily newspaper Information.
- To daily paper Politiken, writing primarily on music, reviews on jazz plus weekly column (illustrated by first Jørgen Ryg, then Klaus Albrectsen).
- Co-editor of literary magazine Bazar (with Gustava Brandt and Bengt Janus).
- Writing for contemporary jazz music trade journals (continuing into the 1960s, e.g. Jazzrevy, co-editing with Boris Rabinowitz and Klaus Albrectsen).
- Weekly music column, jazz reviews, roving reports on assorted cultural themes, with Klaus Albrectsen for Danish daily newspaper BT.
- Contributions to music periodical M.M.
1980s and '90s
- Writings on music, film, athletics, etc., as U.S. correspondent to Information sports and cultural pages (editors Hans-Jørgen Nielsen, Poul Albret, Lasse Ellegaard, Kristen Bjørnkjær).
- Essay "Hvis," as contribution to "festskrift" for Claus Bøje, "Idrættens Enhed Eller Mangfoldighed," edited by Henning Eichberg and Bo Vestergård Madsen (Klim, 2002).
- "Jazz, bold & buddhisme", edited by Lars Movin, an anthology of T.U.'s writings from the 1940s to the 2000s, published by Informations Forlag.
- Texts/lines appear in Victor B. Andersens Maskinfabrik and in Apparatur.
- "Udspil – samtaler med Torben Ulrich", an "interview book" by Lars Movin, published by Lindhardt & Ringhof.
- "Terninger, tonefald", a book of 48 of T.U.'s Lines and Off-lines, published by Bebop.
- "All The Things You Are: Katte, Hunde, Underhunde", an essay by T.U., appears in "Fokus PÃ¥ Freud," a book released on the occasion of Sigmund Freud's 150th birthday, published by Hans Reitzels Forlag.
- Contributed the foreword "Sadlende År, Etc.," to "En dag forsvandt Duke Jordan i Harlem – tekster om jazz" by Jørgen Leth (an anthology of J.L.'s writings about jazz), edited by Lars Movin (Bebop, 2008). (in danish.)
- Article from "So What!" (Metallica Club magazine and book). (PDF)
- Liner notes for "Before The Wall: Body & Being," the 2002 film with Molly Martin and Rick New, part one and part two. (pdf)
- Compendium for "Before The Wall." (2002)
- Liner notes for 2010's "Alphabet, Peaceful, Diminished: 29 Proposals from the Towers of Babble," the second album with Søren Kjærgaard. (PDF)
- Presentation about the writing aspect of "Suddenly, Sound" and "Alphabet, Peaceful, Diminished" at Det Poetiske Bureau, Copenhagen, Sept. 7, 2010. (in danish.)
- "On Cacophony etc.", a letter and postscript to Angelina Baldoz and Beth Graczyk about Cacophony for 8 Players.
- Director's note in the program for the evening-length premiere of Cacophony for 8 Players. (pdf)
- "Toward a Theatre of Transversality," an essay/liner notes about the Cacophony for 8 Players project.
- Liner notes, with Søren Kjærgaard, for the album "Meridiana: Lines Toward A Non-local Alchemy".
- T.U. among many included in George Quasha's "poetry is" video. (T.U.'s segement starts at 1:45:13.)
- T.U. included with Peter Laugesen and Dan Turèll in Lars Movin's chapter "Denmark's To Beat or Not to Beat: Turèll, Ulrich, Laugesen" in The Routledge Handbook of International Beat Literature (2018). See Lars' note in his Facebook post.
- "Et vækkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel - tekster om jazz, 1945-2005" ("An alarm clock in Cecil Taylor's grand piano: Writings on jazz, 1945-2005"), an anthology of T.U.'s music writings, edited and with a foreword by Lars Movin, is published by Asger Schnacks Forlag, Copenhagen (2018).
- "Boldens øjne, Værens Ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje" ("Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics"), by T.U. and with a foreword by Lars Movin, is published by Forlaget Spring, Copenhagen (2018).
- T.U. received the Dan Turèll Medal, a culture prize awarded annually to an artist whose work best represents the spirit of the writings of the Danish poet. (2018)