"Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje"
Forsøg i retning af en udelt (ikke-dualistisk, u-to) tilgang til boldspil og det idrætslige felt, forstået både konkret og symbolsk som udtryk for vores leven (og døen), stadig udeleligt.
Grafisk tilrettelæggelse: SPRING
Omslag: med maleri af T.U.
Forord af: Lars Movin
234 sider; kr. 298
Udg. dato: 4 oktober 2018 af Forlaget Spring.
ISBN 978-87-93358-53-9
"Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics"
A non-dualistic approach to ballplaying and athletics, as symbologies of living (and dying).
Graphics: SPRING
Cover painting: T.U.
Foreword: Lars Movin
In English (left pages) and Danish (right pages) (One is not a translation of the other.)
234 pages. US$46
Publication date: Oct. 4, 2018 by Forlaget Spring.
ISBN 978-87-93358-53-9
An overview of the activities in Denmark in October 2018, around the release of "Boldens øjne, vaerens ben" ("Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being") along with "Et vaekkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel - tekster om jazz, 1945-2005" ("An alarm clock in Cecil Taylor's grand piano: Writings on jazz, 1945-2005"), an anthology of T.U.'s music writings, plus the premiere of "Leaping, Looping: Before The Call" and "Vaerens rum, spillets maerker", a solo exhibition of new paintings and prints.
Reviews etc.:
- "Bolden kommer, potentialet er uendeligt" ("The ball comes, the potential is endless") by Anders Haahr Rasmussen in the Danish newspaper Information, Oct. 19, 2018. (in danish.) PDF. (in danish.) Unedited Google translation to English.
- "Hvad gør du, når bolden kommer?" ("What do you do when the ball comes?") by Mikkel Krause Frantzen in the Danish newspaper Politiken, Oct. 20, 2018. (in danish.) PDF.(in danish.) Unedited Google translation to English.
- "Når idræt giver mening og skønhed" by Søren Riiskjær in his blog, Dansk Idrætspolitik (Danish Sports Politics), Oct. 26, 2018. (in danish.) Unedited Google translation to English.
- "Når bolden kommer – om livsundren og en fælles verden: En forunderlig økopoetisk rejse om at blive til sammen med verden" ("When the ball comes: about the lifeblood and a common world"), by Alexander Carnera in the Norwegian publication Nytid, Jan. 2, 2019. (in danish.) Unedited Google translation to English.
- Selected by the Danish Arts Council as one of 30 "Books from Denmark: The best fiction and non-fiction from Denmark" for the 2019 international book fairs in London, Frankfurt and Milan.
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