"Stilhedens cymbaler: Cymbals of Silence, Notes of Un-Knowing"
(fra forlaget)
Stilhedens cymbaler er en pendant til Torben Ulrichs første skønlitterære udgivelse, Terninger, tonefald, som udkom på Bebop i 2005.
Torben Ulrich er født i København i 1928. Han er kendt som tennisspiller, jazzmusiker, skribent, billedkunstner og buddhist. I mange år har han boet og arbejdet i Seattle på den amerikanske vestkyst.
Med forord på dansk og engelsk af Lars Movin.
Omslag: Per Kirkeby.
88 sider, kr. 150
Udg. dato: 19. oktober 2007 af Forlaget Bebop.
ISBN 978-87-90989-44-6
"Cymbals of Silence, Notes of Un-Knowing"
(from the publisher)
"Cymbals of silence, notes of un-knowing" is a companion volume to Torben Ulrich's first foray into literary fiction, "Terninger, tonefald," which was published by Bebop in 2005.
Torben Ulrich was born in Copenhagen in 1928. He is known as a tennis player, jazz musician, writer, artist and Buddhist. For many years he has lived and worked in Seattle on the American West Coast.
Foreword in Danish and English by Lars Movin.
Cover: Per Kirkeby.
88 pages. US$15.95
Published Oct. 19, 2007 by Bebop Publishing.
ISBN 978-87-90989-44-6
"Sound itself, full of silence, full of dust and duration"
(excerpt from the foreword)
(in danish.) (in english.)
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