An overview of the activities in Denmark in October 2018 around T.U.'s 90th birthday, including the release of two books, a film premiere and an exhibition of new rice-paper paintings and prints. |
"Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje"
(“Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics”)
Published Oct. 4, 2018
Forlaget Spring / Spring Publishing, Copenhagen, Denmark.
By T.U., with a foreword by Lars Movin. Left-page songlines in English, right page text in Danish (one side is not a translation of the other).
Værens Rum, Spillets Mærker /
Marks of Play, Re-Marks on Being
Oct. 4, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Opening reception for an exhibition of new paintings and prints by T.U., through Oct. 27.
T.U.'s 90th birthday
Oct. 4, 2018
No birthday party per se, at T.U.'s request, but after the exhibition opening at Gallery Tom Christoffersen, family and friends gathered for a wonderful meal and togetherness at Ranee's in Copenhagen.
Newspaper articles about the round birthday:
- "Torben Ulrich, 90 års, stadig rebel" ("Torben Ulrich, 90 years, still rebel), by Lea Wind-Friis, photography by Emma Sejersen, Politiken, Sept. 30, 2018. (in danish.) PDF (in danish.).
- "Den elskelige provokatør med den swingende ketsjer" ("The lovable provocateur with the swinging racket") by Kjeld Frandsen, Berlingske, Oct. 3, 2019. (in danish.) PDF (in danish.).
- "Den legende menneske fra midt i en jazztid" ("The playful man from the middle of a jazzy time"), Jyllands-Posten, Oct. 3, 2018. (in danish.) PDF (in danish.).
- Baby, bold og Buddha" ("Baby, ball and Buddha"), illustration by Per Marquard Otzen, Politiken, Oct. 6, 2018.
Salon/Saloon 1: Martin Gylling on dance
Oct. 5, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The first part of the exhibition at Gallery Tom Christoffersen, from Oct. 5 to Oct. 13, included Salon/Saloon, a series of eight events looking into various aspects of the many sides of T.U. Some of the talks were followed by live perfomances.
Martin Gylling on T.U. as inspiration for modern dance and possible approaches to creativity. Martin Gylling is a trained dancer and choreographer and Ph.d from Copenhagen Business School. He teaches at University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole) and works with research in creativity and eduction of public and artistic leaders. Also speaking was New York choreographer and dancer Beth Graczyk, who created and performed with T.U. and Angelina Baldoz in the dance piece "Cacophony for 8 Players", which premiered in Seattle, USA, in January 2014.

Salon/Saloon 2: Søren Riiskjær on sports and politics
Oct. 6, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Søren Riiskjær on T.U.’s position in Danish sports, including his involvement in the activities around Gerlev Idrætshøjskole. Søren Riiskjær is a retired head of office in the Danish Ministry of Culture, Director of Team Danmark, and scientific staff at Idrætsforsk, Gerlev Idrætshøjskole.
Followed by a concert by Claus Bøje, Peter Friis Nielsen, Lotte Anker and Pierre Dørge, joined toward the end by dancer Beth Graczyk.
Salon/Saloon 3: Poetry by Rasmus Halling Nielsen and Asger Schnack
Oct. 7, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Poetry performance of "Messe for alt og intet" (Mass for All and Nothing) by Rasmus Halling Nielsen and Asger Schnack.
Salon/Saloon 4: Records from the collections of Ib Skovgaard and Dan Turèll
Oct. 8, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Søren Kjærgaard and Lars Movin play tracks from the record collections of Ib Skovgaard and Dan Turèll, with commentary by T.U.
Salon/Saloon 5: Jens Tang Kristensen on Copenhagen avant-garde arts
Oct. 9, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jens Tang Kristensen on the Copenhagen art scene of the 1940s and ’50s, with an emphasis on the avant-garde circles that T.U. frequented. Jens Tang Kristensen holds a Postdoc at the Institute for Art- and Culture Science at the University of Copenhagen.

Salon/Saloon 6: About the paintings
Oct. 10, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ball meets Canvas, Mind meets Matter, East meets West: Torben Ulrich in conversation with Lars Movin about his rice-paper paintings. Includes video clips by Molly Martin.
Followed by a performance by Søren Kjærgaard and Torben Ulrich.
World premiere of "Leaping, Looping: Before The Call"
Oct. 11, 2018
Cinemateket, Copenhagen, Denmark.
World premiere of "Leaping, Looping: Before The Call", a film by T.U. and Rick New. With T.U. in conversation with Lars Movin about his film works, plus screenings of "Motion Picture" (1970) by Jørgen Leth & Ole John, and "Before the Wall: Body & Being" (2003) by Molly Martin, Rick New & Torben Ulrich.
Salon/Saloon 7: Ulrik Uggerhøj on quantum physics, music and creativity
Oct. 12, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Ulrik Uggerhøj on quantum physics, music and creativity. Ulrik Uggerhøj is a professor and head of Institute of Physics and Astronomy at University of Aarhus.
Followed by poetry and music by Pia Juul and Søren Kjærgaard.
Salon/Saloon 8: Claus Bøje, Lars Larsen and T.U. on aging and ballplaying
Oct. 13, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
The qualities of sports (body, movement, age): Claus Bøje in conversation with T.U. and Professor Lars Larsen, Center for Quality of Life, University of Aarhus.
Presenting "Et vækkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel"
Oct. 14, 2018
JazzCup, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. in conversation with Lars Movin about "Et vækkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel – tekster om jazz, 1945-2005" (An Alarm Clock in Cecil Taylor’s Piano – Writings on Jazz, 1945-2005), published Sept. 19, 2018 by Asger Schnacks Forlag, Copenhagen. With guests T.S. Hæeg, Asger Schnack and Jens Jørn Gjedsted.
Experimental Jazz Camp
Oct. 16, 2018
Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. on experimentation and playfulness with the students, and shows some film clips..
Words and music
Oct. 17, 2018
Tranquebar, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. in conversation with Lars Movin about "Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje" ("Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics").
Followed by a performance by Søren Kjærgaard and T.U.
"Celebration of T.U."
Oct. 19, 2018
Pressen, Politikens Hus, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jørgen Leth reads a poem about T.U. and shows his film "Motion Picture" (1970); T.U. in conversation with Claus Bøje; Søren Kjærgaard performs a work for video-keyboard; Andreas Johnsen presents a few scenes from his upcoming film about T.U.; concert with Lotte Anker, Peter Friis Nielsen and Claus Bøje. And, in a surprise, at the end of a speech by Lars Movin, T.U. receives the Dan Turell Medal.
Sofa talk
Oct. 22, 2018 Danish Film School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. talking with Danish Film School principal Vinca Wiedemann and teacher Juri Rao about body, movement and play.
Oct. 23, 2018
Den2Radio, Copenhagen, Denmark.
A conversation between Søren Riiskjær and T.U. about "Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje" ("Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics"), and sports in general.
Rhythmic Music Conservatory take 2
Oct. 24, 2018
Rhythmic Music Conservatory, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. and Søren Kjærgaard in dialogue with RMC students about creative practice and play.
Performance with Kresten Osgood, Søren Kjærgaard and T.U.
Oct. 25, 2018
Jyderup Højskole, Jyderup, Denmark.
An improvised music performance by Kresten Osgood (drums), Søren Kjærgaard (piano) and T.U. (voice). Part of Jyderup Accordion Træf.
Exhibition finissage
Oct. 26, 2018
Gallery Tom Christoffersen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Gathering before the closing of the exhibition "Værens Rum, Spillets Mærker / Marks of Play, Re-Marks on Being".
Oct. 27, 2018
BogForum, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.
T.U. in conversation with Lars Movin about "Boldens øjne, værens ben: Notater langs idrættens spalte(n)de veje" (Eyes of the Ball, Bones of Being: Notations along the divisive ways of athletics) and "Et vækkeur i Cecil Taylors flygel – tekster om jazz, 1945-2005" (An Alarm Clock in Cecil Taylor’s Grand Piano: Writings on Jazz, 1945-2005).