"As soon as we, Kurt Nielsen and myself, and the Danish national team, started started traveling extensively as tennis players, in the later '40s, maybe '46 or '47, there seemed to be a demand from both newspapers and the radio to establish some kind of relationship with us, if those people did not have their own traveling correspondents, or if their own correspondents weren't where we went. There was often this where we would be telephoned by a newspaper or the Danish Radio to talk about what had happened, from an athletic point of view. Kurt had a gig with Berlingske, I had a gig with Politiken.
Rather quickly I established this relationship also with the jazz music part of the Danish Radio, so it meant also that when I came back I could make a report to them what I had heard, which is different than the athletic scene. So what it meant was that I often would come back and report to the news programs; say I would come back from Forest Hills (longtime site of the U.S. Championships) and I would have maybe 20 minutes of what I had heard or seen, being interviewed about that, or I would use what I had seen and heard as part of these essays that we referred to in the Chronologies. So what has to be understood there was I thought the correspondence was part of more news-oriented things that I did both for the sports department and for the jazz department, so right from later '40s I felt that I had this relationship to the Danish Radio.
That was a kind of an ongoing activity that sort of glided into these two roles in the late '70s when I moved to the U.S., '80s, '90s and up to now, either reporting from Seattle or going back to Denmark and making things there, about having been here.
The more athletic things went more to Claus Bøje and Clinch and the music things in particular went mostly to the program Jazznyt with Ib Skovgaard, who with Ole Mathiesen took over after Børge Roger Henrichsen."
– T.U., Jan. 13, 2005
Recollections on Jazz 61, 62, 63 ...
Recollections on Tamburinen and Tangent
More about these years in this article from Jazz Special.