Overview of a selection of works available for purchase beginning in July 2024, shipped from the San Francisco Bay Area.
Prices are for unframed works. Priority shipping included. California taxes may apply.
Email info@torbenulrich.com to inquire about availability.
(See more about the history of the paintings here.)
(click on image to see larger, with details)
(see slide show)
( = purchased)
Rice-paper originals

BA24-05 |

BA24-10 |

BA24-04  |

BA24-09  |

BA24-11  |

BA24-13  |

BA24-15  |

BA24-03 |

BA24-02 |

BA24 |

BA24-14 |

BA24-01  |

BA24-08 |

BA24-06  |

BA24-07 |
Prints (limited editions)

BA24-S01 |

BA24-S08 |

BA24-S10 |

BA24-S20 |

TC59 |

TC61 |

TC64 |

BA24-12 |

BA37 |

TC66 |