An excerpt from "Playing into the unplayed: Lines & Off-lines",
a postscript by Lars Movin in "Terninger, tonefald":
"Torben Ulrich's Lines and Off-lines not only make up a textual meshing where names, terms and ideas from different spheres (music, literature, philosophy, art, athletics, etc.) meet, in a distilled form, becoming both fractured and fused. They are also either directly or indirectly connected to Ulrich's praxis in a number of fields: paintings, film,
music, ballplaying.
Written originally in English, the slim philosophicalmusical columns of text that, in a jazz-improvisational manner, seem to multiply in an ongoing transformative
process, have for a number of years accumulated as a work-in-progress under the collective heading Songbooks. (Originally the texts were called Bavl - Danish for "drivel"
or "babble" - with the wordplay referring to the Bauls of Bengal, itinerant singers who clothe sacral or mystical themes in timely metaphors.) ... "